Keith Peterson

Keith Peterson is a deeply experienced quality leader with a 20+ year track record of success in process excellence. Effective at partnering with leadership teams, he is equally adept at implementing programs across organizations to increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction, reduce waste and associated costs, and increase team member engagement.

With industry experience spanning help center operations, financial services, global logistics, retail, healthcare, pharmaceutical, medical equipment, and manufacturing, Keith brings proven insights to help businesses achieve their improvement objectives.

Recent successes include the development and implementation of a Lean Six Sigma deployment at a Fortune 500 retail pharmacy company where he facilitated end-to-end Business Transformation Programs and additionally provided training and coaching for practitioners.

Prior to working with Firefly, Keith served as vice president for Rath & Strong, senior leader of Global Projects at GE, and as company commander to the US Army Chinook Training Company.

Keith's Publications and Insights

Rath & Strong’s Six Sigma Leadership Handbook
Contributing Author, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.


  • Wofford College
    BA Economics


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