Are you interested in creating innovative new products or services with greater acceptance in the marketplace? Do you need shorter time-to-market to be competitive?

Do you need to focus on the customer, improve quality, or reduce product costs?

With Design for Lean Six Sigma tools and approaches, we help our clients design and develop new high-value products and processes that meet the cost and timing goals of the business while delighting customers. Services include assessments, deployment planning, training, project mentoring, and leading significant projects.

Contact our team to learn more about Design for Lean Six Sigma.


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Fast Innovation

Fast Innovation

Achieve Superior Differentiation and Increased Profitability


Operations Consulting

We have consulting experience with engagements as diverse as mergers and acquisitions, operations strategy, supply chain acceleration, shop-floor process improvements, and call center efficiency improvement.



Assessments are customized to meet your goals, leveraging our frameworks and knowledge of best practices from years of industry experience. Recent work has been in financial services, insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, and supply chain.